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PT Sands Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia

Mandarin Speaker Product Delivery Lead

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Full Time

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Tahun Pengalaman

1-3 years


Jakarta Utara, Indonesia


25 - 30 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab

We are looking for a self-driven Product Delivery Leader with an education or training background. The ideal candidate will have 2-3 years of experience in university class management. The Head Teacher Staff candidate must have strong user thinking, planning and organizing student activities.

Job Description:

Class organization:

  • According to the work points and the actual situation of the class, formulate the work plan of the class teacher and make regular work summaries;
  • Responsible for organizing the opening of classes, presiding over the opening of classes, and ensuring the smooth progress of classes;
  • Create an overall learning atmosphere by focusing on key issues in the class, including but not limited to the selection of class committee members.

Professional support:

  • Planning and organization of student activities (including planning plans, exchange visits between students and companies, expansion training, mobile classrooms, and business inspections;
  • Responsible for supervising and guiding students to complete assignments in corresponding courses to ensure the effective transformation of the learning content;
  • Responsible for the organization of outstanding students entering the company and completing the planning of the service content for entering the company.

Sales Support:

  • Responsible for the sales support of open courses, and matching corresponding product solutions through demand mining and analysis of targeted students.
  1. Bachelor degree or above, more than three years of work experience;
  2. Fluent Mandarin speaking and listening skills is a MUST; proficiency in English is a plus.
  3. Excellent language expression skills and organizational and coordination skills;
  4. Have keen insight and problem analysis ability;
  5. Have a strong sense of responsibility and service awareness;
  6. Willing to learn and want to develop in the education industry for a long time;
  7. Applicants with experience in university class management or training industry will be given priority.
Tentang Perusahaan

PT Sands Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia

Education Management Industries • 11 to 50 employees

Sands Bosum Business Pte. Ltd, established in 2023 by the Bosum Institute of Management Science and the Sands Group, is headquartered in Singapore.

Aimed at becoming a trusted service platform for global SMEs, the company provides management training, consulting, entrepreneurship support, resource matchmaking, and financing assistance. With subsidiaries and teaching centers in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, it supports enterprises throughout their lifecycle....

Alamat Kantor

Gedung Landmark Pluit Gedung B9 / Lantai 12 (Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya RT.6/RW/10, Pluit Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara)

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