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BOSSHIRE (Executive Search)

Tax Assistant Manager

IDR 18,000,000 - 22,000,000
Tentang Perusahaan

As the Chinese government promotes the Belt and Road (B&R), a lot of Chinese investors have already stepped out of national boundary and invested in the newly-developing countries and areas which are along with the Belt and Road. As one of the developing countries with strategic importance and excellent targeted market, Indonesia continues to attract the eyesight of Chinese investors as well as foreign investors to operate commercial activities here.

Informasi Dasar

Jenis Pekerjaan

Full Time

Tingkat Pekerjaan




Jenis Pekerjaan


Jenis Kelamin


Tahun Pengalaman

4-5 years


Jakarta, Indonesia


30 - 40 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab

- Handle day to day tax client tax issue

- Support clients to ensure they are consistent with good business practices and with the applicable tax laws and rules.

- Assist clients with their direct and indirect tax compliance requirements and recommend solutions that support their overall business objectives.

- Prepare reconciliation and equalization related all taxes (WHT/VAT)

- Prepare CIT Report and reporting

- Prepare clearing tax letter account during closing time

- Advising on clients payments, lodging appeals or objections and following up on these matters with the Inland Revenue Department.

- Managing multiple relationships and ensuring client satisfaction

- Support and back up the Tax Manager

- Coach the subordinates

Other responsibilities as needed


-Min 5 years qualifying experience in Taxation

-Experience within a professional services firm will be an added advantage

-Dedicated team player with excellent leadership qualities

-Business English proficiency for office use, Mandarin is a plus

-Comprehensive knowledge of tax regulation

Keahlian Utama
Agile Leadership
Accounting Management
Communication Consulting
Great Teamwork

Pekerjaan Eksekutif ini diposting oleh:

Shera Angelica

Executive Recruitment Consultant


Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Ini

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