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Go Study Global Education

Full-time Teacher (Chinese or English teacher)

IDR 8,000,000 - 15,000,000
Informasi Dasar

Jenis Pekerjaan

Full Time

Tingkat Pekerjaan




Jenis Pekerjaan


Jenis Kelamin


Tahun Pengalaman

< 1 year


Jakarta, Indonesia


20 - 40 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab

The Full-time Chinese Teacher and Full-time English Teacher will be responsible for accumulating subject knowledge through training, such as practicing exercises related to the subject taught. They will also receive training in teaching skills, including analyzing student performance and designing classroom instruction. Additionally, the role involves participating in the development of teaching materials, including textbook writing, courseware creation, and test paper preparation. The Full-time Teacher will deliver instructional sessions and participate in marketing activities for the learning center.

1. Receive training to accumulate subject knowledge, including practicing exercises related to the subject taught.

2. Receive training in teaching skills, such as analyzing student performance and designing classroom instruction.

3. Contribute to the development of teaching materials, including textbook writing, courseware creation, and test paper preparation.

4. Deliver instructional sessions to students.

5. Participate in marketing activities for the learning center.


1. Full-time undergraduate degree or higher.

2. Fluent in Chinese or English for work communication (English will be our office language).

3. Passionate about the field of education and enthusiastic about teaching work.

4.Academic background:

- Priority UI, ITB, UGM; or completed undergraduate or graduate studies in a country where English is the native language.

-Language proficiency certificate with a score of 7.5 or higher in IELTS or an equivalent level.

Tentang Perusahaan

Go Study Global Education

Education Management Industries • 11 to 50 employees

Go Study specializes in the internationalization of universities and colleges and the landing of various practical projects, providing schools with high-level foreign affairs visits, teachers' overseas training, student exchanges and training, international alliances and forums, the preparation of overseas base construction, international curriculum cooperation, international textbook publishing and other customized services for the school's internationalization construction to provide targeted one-stop solutions. At pr...

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