Our clients, an international company specializes in the manufacture of aluminum products. Serving various industries including construction, automotive, and manufacturing, Our client is recognized for its commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. The company has been involved in prestigious projects such as high-rise buildings, automotive assembly plants, and advanced manufacturing facilities worldwide. They expertise and innovative solutions contribute to the success and durability of these significant projects.
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Eveline Effendie 李样呢
Executive Recruitment Consultant
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bosshire.co.id adalah satu marketplace bertenaga AI yang bertujuan membantu organisasi dengan cepat mencocokkan dengan talenta terbaik sambil menyediakan pekerjaan yang luas dan berkualitas tinggi. Ini adalah portal pertama di mana headhunter, perusahaan, dan pencari kerja dapat bekerja di platform yang sama, membuat rekrutmen lebih efisien dan transparan.