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PT Sands Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia

Social Media Live Streamer

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Jenis Pekerjaan

Full Time

Tingkat Pekerjaan

Highly Skilled



Jenis Pekerjaan


Jenis Kelamin


Tahun Pengalaman

1-3 years


Jakarta Utara, Indonesia


23 - 28 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab

We are looking for a self-driven Live Streamer with a background in social media operating, such as: Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. 

  1. Through the company's on-the-job training, become familiar with the product content, conduct product introductions with users in the live broadcast room and complete orders, and complete the company's sales plan;
  2. Fully explain the product during the live broadcast, interact with fans, build the live atmosphere, guide fans to pay attention to the live broadcast room, increase the number of people online, and interact with fans to create a positive and active live broadcast room atmosphere;
  3. Be responsible for live broadcast performance, provide continuous feedback and adjustments, optimize live broadcast content, increase user participation, and enhance fan stickiness;
  4. Company products: business management courses, marketing, management, business model and other courses. 
  • 23-28 years old, high school degree or above, more than 2-3 years of relevant work experience, strong interest and in-depth understanding of social media, and experience in live streaming operation;
  • Good Looking, creative ideas, and media savvy;
  • Strong logic, strong language output ability, have the ability to work in a team, and adaptable;
  • Cheerful personality, proactive, diligent and willing to learn new things.
Keahlian Utama
Social Media
Public Speaking
BPJS Kesehatan
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
Tentang Perusahaan

PT Sands Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia

Education Management Industries • 11 to 50 employees

Sands Bosum Business Pte. Ltd, established in 2023 by the Bosum Institute of Management Science and the Sands Group, is headquartered in Singapore.

Aimed at becoming a trusted service platform for global SMEs, the company provides management training, consulting, entrepreneurship support, resource matchmaking, and financing assistance. With subsidiaries and teaching centers in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, it supports enterprises throughout their lifecycle....

Alamat Kantor

Gedung Landmark Pluit Gedung B9 / Lantai 12 (Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya RT.6/RW/10, Pluit Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara)

Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Ini

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