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Job Header Background
PT.Lensung Technology Indonesia

Full Stack Developer

IDR 8,000,000 - 13,000,000
Informasi Dasar

Jenis Pekerjaan

Full Time

Tingkat Pekerjaan




Jenis Pekerjaan


Jenis Kelamin


Tahun Pengalaman

1-3 years


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia


20 - 50 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab


PT.Lensung Technology Indonesia provides total solution services, from IT Infrastructure aspect: Hardware, Software, Networking, Cloud Computing, to the Business aspect for multi-sector industries. Lensung will propose the best available solutions that meet Clients needs and requirements regardless of the Brand of the Products.

We sincerely invite you to join our team and make our contribution to the development of the country's industrialization through the IT solutions we provide. We believe that your professional abilities will be greatly improved here, and we hope that we can grow together and stay happy together.

  • We are looking for IT Consultants
  • The working venue is in Jakarta Barat
  • Working with a cross-functional Global Team
  • Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply (GPA>3.5)


1.Participate in the front-end and back-end design, development, and maintenance of the company's software products and projects, including requirements analysis, system design, coding implementation, code review, testing and debugging, deployment, operational monitoring, and troubleshooting;

2.Driven by product development tasks, complete product and UI/UE requirements with quality and quantity assurance, and achieve rapid iteration of small versions of the product;

3.Enhance the usability, stability, security, and scalability of the product from the user's perspective through feedback on user issues and needs, analysis of user behavior scenarios, and analysis of product and technical data;

4.Communicate and collaborate efficiently with colleagues, customers, and partners to solve practical problems and deliver product value;

5.Summarize development experience, explore and learn new tools and technologies, organize exchanges, sharing, and practice, improve development efficiency and quality, and enhance personal influence and team combat effectiveness.


1.Familiar with front-end and back-end development technology stacks and proficient in Linux environment operations;

2.Proficient in at least two front-end frameworks, such as React, Flutter, Angular, Vue, JQuery, AntDesign, etc.;

3.Proficient in backend languages and related frameworks, such as Java, Python, Spring Boot, RocketMQ, etc.;

4.Proficient in database design and operation, skilled in using SQL and NoSQL databases;

5.Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with good coding habits, and a pursuit of development efficiency and quality;

6.Passionate about new tools and technologies, leveraging technical capabilities to support business success, and able to read official documentation in English;

7.Strong logical thinking ability, cross-team communication and collaboration skills, project promotion ability, and a positive attitude to influence others around.

Keahlian Utama
Weekends, annual leave, statutory holidays
Tentang Perusahaan

PT.Lensung Technology Indonesia

Computer & Network Security Industries • 1 to 10 employees

PT.Lensung Technology Indonesia provides total solution services, from IT Infrastructure aspect: Hardware, Software, Networking, Cloud Computing, to the Business aspect for multi-sector industries. Lensung will propose the best available solutions that meet Clients needs and requirements regardless of the Brand of the Products.

We sincerely invite you to join our team and make our contribution to the development of the country's industrialization through the IT solutions we provide. We believe that your professional ab...

Alamat Kantor

Soho Capital 31-09,Jalan Letjen S Parman kav.28.RT.003,Tanjung Duren Selatan, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta post code 11470

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