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PT Bichain Science Technology Indonesia

Finance Supervisor

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Tahun Pengalaman

1-3 years


Jakarta, Indonesia


18 - 30 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab

As an Finance Supervisor you will be responsible in making all of the finance accounts clear, review all the payment and reimbursement of cost, declare value-added tax/income tax, keep in touch with tax officer, collect and learn finance policies from government.

  • Make daily/week/month/quarter/semi-year/year financial statement, save all the paper financial data according to rules.
  • Review all of the payment and reimbursement for cost and collect all the invoices and receipts about the cost, review whether the invoices and receipts are legal or not.
  • Calculate and declare the value-added tax in time, make sure the amount of value-added tax is accuracy.
  • Approve the approvals about finance in time.
  • Communicate with finance department of HQ in China.
  • Bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, or any related field;
  • Has gained Certified Tax Practioner (CTAP / Brevet AB) certification
  • Fluent in English, ability in Mandarin will be a plus
  • Proven to be qualified in their track record for a with the minimum of 2 (two) year of experience in the field
  • Excellent at using Microsoft Office tools
  • Work carefully, logic thought is very quick, have the excellent capacity of communication and coordination, and know a bit of negotiated skills
  • Strong professional ethics and responsibility also can undertake a huge work pressure
Keahlian Utama
Corporate Tax
Employment Tax
Private Insurance
Tentang Perusahaan

PT Bichain Science Technology Indonesia

Warehousing Industries • 251 to 500 employees


Baicang Technology - founded in 2018 in Shenzhen and affiliated with Shenzhen 58 Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., is a one-stop, full-channel warehousing and distribution solution provider. PT Bichain Science Technology Indonesia is the subcompany of Baicang Technology....

Alamat Kantor

Marunda Center

Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Ini

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