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Job Header Background

Social Media Operation Specialist

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Jenis Pekerjaan

Full Time

Tingkat Pekerjaan




Jenis Pekerjaan


Jenis Kelamin


Tahun Pengalaman

4-5 years


Jakarta Utara, Indonesia


25 - 33 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab
  1. Responsible for overall operation planning, event planning, execution, content planning, and editing and publishing on company's new media platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
  2. Gather and analyze market trends, track competitors' operational dynamics, explore market hotspots, create topics, plan and develop creative content to increase brand visibility (fan count indicator) and user engagement (comment and like count indicators).
  3. Responsible for maintaining and managing user relationships on social media, interacting with fans, assisting potential customers with inquiries, cultivating fan interest, increasing fan engagement, and establishing a positive brand image.
  4. Collaborate with design teams to produce high-quality media images and video content.
  5. Conduct regular marketing activities on social platforms by exploring e-commerce platforms and the company's current new and popular products, to discover potential customer demands.
  6. Responsible for writing drafts of brand stories, blog posts, media coverage, and marketing activity copies.
  7. Carry out content operations, planning, implementation, and dissemination of content on social media and community platforms (including PGC, PUGC, and OGC content re-distribution).
  8. Analyze the promotion effects on various platforms, analyze competitors' communication channels and methods, and optimize content operation plans.
  9. Develop social media influencers (KOL), key opinion consumers (KOC), and other resources, collaborate with various resources to promote and disseminate the company's brand and products, help the company enhance its brand influence overseas, and coordinate the planning of promotional content released by influencers.
  10. Develop social media influencers such as KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) and KOCs (Key Opinion Consumers), collaborate with various resources, promote and disseminate the company's brand and products, help enhance the company's brand influence in Indonesia, and coordinate the planning of promotional content released by influencers.
  1. Bachelor's degree or above, with 2 years or more of overseas social media content operation experience or a deep understanding of the KOL economy, priority will be given to those who have regional influencer resources and excellent case collaborators.
  2. English or Chinese can be used as working languages, with good oral communication and writing skills.
  3. Interested in major social platforms such as Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc., keeping up with hot topics, and having a deep understanding of the dissemination methods and rules of various social media and community platforms.
  4. Proficient in writing, with a solid foundation in language skills, basic product knowledge, rich imagination, active creative thinking, and skilled in writing marketing copy.
  5. Passionate about internet culture, familiar with social media platforms, and highly sensitive to and understanding of internet trends, hot topics, and popular culture.
Keahlian Utama
Social Media
Action Plan Creation
Transportation subsidy
Tentang Perusahaan


Building Materials Industries • 251 to 500 employees

As the national agent in Indonesia for many internationally renowned brands (HIKVISION, H3C, MEGAMAN, etc.), FULLMOON stands out in the industry with its professional supply chain, market expansion and corporate management capabilities. The company is committed to meeting the growing demand for products and services from Indonesia’s infrastructure, society and industry. By establishing close partnerships with leading manufacturers, FULLMOON integrates indoor, outdoor and engineering products including security, lighting...

Alamat Kantor

Landmark Pluit Tower B9, Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya No.2, RT.4/RW.10

Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Ini

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