Pemberi KerjaPekerjaanExecutive SearchEvent
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BOSSHIRE (Executive Search)

Community Operation Manager

Tidak Ditampilkan
Tentang Perusahaan

One of a leading futures broker & trading platform provider

Informasi Dasar

Jenis Pekerjaan

Full Time

Tingkat Pekerjaan

Sr. Supervisor



Jenis Pekerjaan


Jenis Kelamin


Tahun Pengalaman

4-5 years


Jakarta, Indonesia


25 - 35 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab

1. Responsible for building the target user community and daily operation and maintenance, according to different operation stages, carry out various operation promotion means to attract new users, old users activation, order conversion and re-purchase and other specific work;

2. Responsible for the planning and implementation of telegram and WhatsApp communities, responsible for the overall social content, including the planning of bot trading, the creation of community atmosphere, and the creation of a highly sticky community;

3. Mining and interacting with core users, maintaining community activity, interacting and keeping in touch with users;

4. Maintain close communication with community members, absorb suggestions and suggestions, and make corresponding adjustments and improvement plans in time;

5. Sorted out and summarized operational experience regularly, and promoted the processes and standards of content, activities and products for better user growth


1. Proven work experience within community in the blockchain/crypto/forex trading industry

2. Expertise in managing multiple community platforms

3. Ability to deliver creative content (text, image, and video)

4. Familiarity with online marketing strategies and channels

5. Excellent communication and presentation skills

6. Great time-management skills

7. Outstanding project management skills 

Keahlian Utama
Online marketing

Pekerjaan Eksekutif ini diposting oleh:

Atikah Rahmah

Executive Recruitment Consultant



Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Ini

BOSSHIRE Logo White adalah satu marketplace bertenaga AI yang bertujuan membantu organisasi dengan cepat mencocokkan dengan talenta terbaik sambil menyediakan pekerjaan yang luas dan berkualitas tinggi. Ini adalah portal pertama di mana headhunter, perusahaan, dan pencari kerja dapat bekerja di platform yang sama, membuat rekrutmen lebih efisien dan transparan.

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