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Job Header Background
Midea Electronics Indonesia

Ecommerce Manager

IDR 20,000,000 - 30,000,000
Informasi Dasar

Jenis Pekerjaan

Full Time

Tingkat Pekerjaan




Jenis Pekerjaan


Jenis Kelamin


Tahun Pengalaman

5+ years


Jakarta, Indonesia


30 - 45 Tahun


Tanggung Jawab
  1. Responsible for the sales of the Indonesian e-commerce channel to ensure that the sales target is achieved.
  2. Responsible for developing and maintaining customers of e-commerce channels, and assisting e-commerce customers to sell their e-commerce business in the Indonesian market.
  3. Make regular visits to local e-commerce platforms and establish cooperative relationships.
  4. Combining channels, customers cooperate with e-commerce operations & brand headquarters to formulate operational goals and formulate corresponding operational strategies.
  5. Have market data analysis, track market changes, adjust sales strategies in time and follow up the effect.
  6. Maintain the productivity of the sales team member include provide training.
  7. Responsible for account receivable (AR) including all the company’s assets.
  8. Propose budget expenses and control the effectiveness of budget usage.
  9. Any other duties as assigned by management.
  1. Bachelor Degree with 8 years with related experiences
  2. Strong communication and highly adaptable
  3. Confident, highly motivated and able to work under pressure
  4. Excellent negotiation skills
  5. Good at Ms Office, especially Excel for data analysis
  6. Good in English, both oral and written and able to speak Chinese is an advantage.
Keahlian Utama
Business Communications
Tentang Perusahaan

Midea Electronics Indonesia

Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing Industries • 251 to 500 employees

Midea adalah perusahaan yang berdiri di bidang AC, kulkas, peralatan serta kebutuhan dapur berskala besar dan kecil, dan kebutuhan rumah tangga lainnya.

Didirikan pada tahun 1968, Midea (SZ: 000333) adalah perusahaan yang tercatat dalam Forbe's Global Fortune 500 (# 253). Midea menawarkan rangkaian produk terlengkap di industri peralatan rumah tangga. Midea berkantor pusat di Cina Selatan, dan juga merupakan perusahaan berskala global dengan lebih dari 150.000 karyawan dan beroperasi di lebih dari 195 negara....

Alamat Kantor


Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Ini

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